Tag Archives: Lettering Delights

LD’s $1 SVG Sale Ending Soon! My Picks & Free Collection with $15 Purchase

ld-merrykissmas-saleHave you shopped the sale yet?  It’s ending on July 31st 11:59PM Mountain Standard Time!

Lettering Delights has only opened the “SVG Vault”–containing the SVG’s they retired after they came up with Cut Its–only once before, to my recollection.  When the sale is over, they take them off the site.*  Some designs have been converted to Cut Its, but many still haven’t.  This is the only way to get these files that are ready for cutting.  If you buy the graphic version later on, you have to trace them yourself.

*They can still be accessed if you have bought them from the Your Library section of the site, so you can download them again.

AngeliCutsDOTcom-ld-merrykissmass-sale-mypicksThis screenshot shows the SVG sets that I choose, plus the Monogram Thin Font set that I have been wanting for a while.  I used the coupon code “MerryKissmas” to make the final price $15.  The $15 was intentional, because now I have access to the Get Happy collection!  You can read more about this promotion here.

Here’s what I bought from the sale:

  1. Weather Girl
  2. Weather Boy
  3. Bento Box
  4. Oishii
  5. Ninja Kicks
  6. Something Fishy
  7. Felt Owl Right
  8. Gingerbread Cookie
  9. Valentine Mailbox
  10. Valentine Mail Drop Box

Oh, and remember to grab your monthly freebies while you’re there!